We learn a lesson everyday... You forget it if you don't memorise or pen it down... This is an attempt to portray my inner self... the opinions expressed are never meant to hurt you... if they do, then leave your feeling to air...

February 01, 2011

Appraisal Letter

Appraisal letter from a Project Leader about his team member:

Dear Manager (HR),

Vivek, my assistant programmer, can always be found

hard at work in his cubicle. Vivek  works independently, without

wasting company time talking to colleagues. Vivek never

thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and he always

finishes given assignments on time. Often Vivek takes extended

measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee

breaks. Vivek is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no

vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound

knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Vivek can be

classed as a high-calibre employee, the type which cannot be

dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Vivek be

promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be

sent away as soon as possible.


Project Leader

And then read the second mail, sent immediately!!!!!


In second mail same manager wrote:

NB: That stupid idiot was reading over my shoulder when I wrote the report

sent to you earlier today. Kindly read only the odd lines (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13)

for my true assessment of him.


Credits: Anu Shree Prabha, who forwarded this mail.

January 31, 2011

Software Testing

A university scholar, Mr. John Smith approaches his friend a software-testing guru telling him that he has a Bachelor in programming, and now would like to learn the software testing to complete his knowledge and to find a job as a software tester.

After summing him up for a few minutes, the software-testing guru told him "I seriously doubt that you are ready to study software testing. It's a serious topic. If you wish, however I am willing to examine you in logic, and if you pass the test I will teach you software testing. "

The young man agrees. Software testing guru holds up two fingers "Two men come down a chimney. One comes with a clean face and the other comes out with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?

The young man stares at the software-testing guru. "Is that a test in Logic?" Software testing guru nods. Young man replies: "The one with the dirty face washes his face,"

"Wrong. The one with the clean face washes his face. Examine the simple logic. The one with the dirty face looks at the one with the clean face and thinks his face is clean. The one with the clean face looks at the one with the dirty face and thinks his face is dirty. So; the one with the clean face washes his face."

"Very clever" Says Smith. "Give me another test"

The software-testing guru again holds up two fingers "Two men come down a chimney. One comes out with a clean face and the other comes out with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?

"We have already established that. The one with the clean face washes his face"

"Wrong. Each one washes his face. Examine the simple logic. The one with the dirty face looks at the one with the clean face and thinks his face is clean. The one with the clean face looks at the one with the dirty face and thinks his face is dirty. So; the one with the clean face washes his face. When the one with the dirty face sees the one with the clean face washing his face, he also washes his face. So each one washes his face"

"I didn't think of that!" Says Smith. " It's shocking to me that I could make an error in logic. Test me again!."

The software-testing guru holds up two fingers "Two men come down a chimney. One comes out with a clean face and the other comes out with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?

"Each one washes his face"

"Wrong. Neither one washes his face. Examine the simple logic. The one with the dirty face looks at the one with the clean face and thinks his face is clean. The one with the clean face looks at the one with the dirty face and thinks his face is dirty. But when the one with clean face sees that the one with the dirty face doesn't wash his face, he also doesn't wash his face. So neither one washes his face".

Smith is desperate. "I am qualified to study software testing. Please give me one more test"

He groans when the software-testing guru lifts his two fingers, "Two men come down a chimney. One comes out with a clean face and the other comes out with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?

"Neither one washes his face"

"Wrong. Do you now see, John, why programming knowledge is an insufficient basis for studying the software testing? Tell me, how is it possible for two men to come down the same chimney, and for one to come out with a clean face and the other with a dirty face? Don’t you see?

Credits: Anupam Kumar for sharing this fantastic article.

January 30, 2011

Word Scrabble - Excellent Examples

PRINCESS DIANA: When you rearrange the letters: END IS A CAR SPIN

ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER

THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE

THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS

SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME

ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES, LETS RECOUNT

A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: I’M A DOT IN PLACE

THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE

ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE

And the last one is always the best one :D

MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER!!

Latest Addition…

SURESH KALMADI: When you rearrange the letters: SIR U MADE LAKHS

Welcome to the "Stock" Market

Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the Villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs. 10. The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them.

The man bought thousands at Rs10 and as supply started to diminish, the Villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at Rs. 20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started

Catching monkeys again.

Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to Rs. 25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at Rs. 50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him.

In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers, Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at Rs. 35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell it to him for Rs. 50.

The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys.

Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!!!


Welcome to the "Stock" Market!